<p> This entry represents the C-terminal domain the E subunit (RFC-E) of the DNA polymerase III clamp-loader complex, one of the five RFC proteins of the clamp loader complex (replication factor-C, RFC) which binds to the DNA sliding clamp (proliferating cell nuclear antigen, PCNA). The five modules of RFC assemble into a right-handed spiral, which results in only three of the five RFC subunits (RFC-A, RFC-B and RFC-C) making contact with PCNA, leaving a wedge-shaped gap between RFC-E and the PCNA clamp-loader complex. The C-terminal is vital for the correct orientation of RFC-E with respect to RFC-A [<cite idref="PUB00031233"/>]. </p> DNA polymerase III, clamp-loader complex, subunit E, C-terminal